Béatrice G. | Beauty Route

  1. Lose the Frizz: How to Tame Frizzy Hair

    Lose the Frizz: How to Tame Frizzy Hair

    Do you ever notice that your hair gets frizzier during the Winter months? Image result for frizz gif Frizzy hair stems from a lack of moisture in the hair strands. This is why the hair naturally becomes frizzier during the winter months as the air is more dry and less humid. This causes hair to become brittle and often "puff up." However if the puffy hair look isn't for you, we'll be explaining different things you can do to tame the frizz this colder season! Continue reading →
  2. How to Grow Long Hair Fast

    How to Grow Long Hair Fast

    Now here is the million dollar question: How can we get our hair to grow long, thick, and fast? Some people are blessed genetically with long healthy locks, and for others, it may require a bit more work. Although we can't guarantee your hair will magically grow over night, the tips we share today will help with your hair health and promote hair growth. Image result for long hair gif Continue reading →
  3. Hairstyles for all your holiday parties!

    Hairstyles for all your holiday parties!

    With the holiday season fast approaching, you're probably going to be invited to a lot of events! Image result for friends christmas gif The holidays are the perfect time to try out a new style and add some glitz and glamour to your look. Whether it's work related functions, outings with friends or dinners with the family, we'll help you find the perfect holiday hairstyle. Continue reading →
  4. The Perfect Holiday Gift

    The Perfect Holiday Gift

    13 sleeps 'till Christmas, I repeat only 13 sleeps's left! Translation: 13 days to find the perfect Christmas gift. Image result for christmas frenzy gif Now if you're a bit of a last minute Christmas shopper, and trust me, I've been there, holiday shopping can get a bit stressful. If you've still got some names to check off your Christmas list, then look no further! Here at Beauty Route, we've got your back! Continue reading →
  5. Lazy Day Hairstyles

    Lazy Day Hairstyles

    Whether you're pressed for time or are just feeling blah, some days are made for being a little bit lazy Image result for lazy gif On these days when you just don't feel like doing anything, but still want to look cute, we have some hairstyles that are perfect for you! These styles take under 10 minutes and require little effort on your part. However you'll still be looking as stylish as ever. Continue reading →
  6. Gifts that Women Actually Want!

    Gifts that Women Actually Want!

    We've all been there, getting gifts that we don't actually want or need... Image result for what is this gift gif Slay your holiday gift-giving skills this season by getting people gifts they actually want! We've picked out some of the best gifts that won't be thrown out or re-gifted this holiday season. Continue reading →
  7. Get the Victoria's Secret Angel Hair

    Get the Victoria's Secret Angel Hair

    It's that time of year again, the highly anticipated Victoria's Secret Fashion show Raise your hand if you're excited! Many girl's watch this show religiously and even have viewing parties with their friends. I know I'm guilty of that. Image result for viewing party gif Other than having killer bodies, the angels are know for having absolutely gorgeous tousled hair! Although we can't all look like Victoria's Secret models, we can definitely get their voluminous and bouncy waves.  If you want to achieve their signature effortlessly curled locks, then you're in luck! Today we will be explaining how to get your hair to look like a Victoria's secret model! Image result for vs fashion show gif Continue reading →
  8. Think Pink: Introducing Foil me Foils

    Think Pink: Introducing Foil me Foils

    Are you tired of seeing the same boring silver foils on your client's head every day? Well Foil Me Foils has got you covered! With pastel colored foil sheets, your clients hair will be looking fashionable from start to finish of the coloring process. Not to mention that you will be the coolest stylist on the block! Beauty Route is proud to now offer these designer-worthy foils! We will be launching this new brand as of December 1st on Beautyroute.com. So jump onto this pink bandwagon and learn more about theses pink foils from Foil me Foils! Continue reading →
  9. Gift Guide Under 20$

    Gift Guide Under 20$

    Need the perfect gift for a stocking or for a secret Santa gift exchange? Related image We've got your back! They say good things come in small packages, so get ready to discover some amazing smaller products. With this gift guide featuring smaller products and gifts under 20$, you can find exciting items that won't break the bank.   Continue reading →
  10. Winter Hair Hydration

    Winter Hair Hydration

    Winter is not only brutal on your skin, but it can also dry out your hair Do you ever notice a change in the texture of you hair during the colder weather? Well the change in temperature and colder season can definitely dry out the hair causing static and frizz. The hair can also become more delicate and fragile, breaking a lot more easily. Today we'll be sharing tips and tricks to help you protect your hair from the cold winter weather! Image result for frizzy winter hair gif During the season we also tend to use more heat on our hair, which obviously doesn't help out our hair health. Using hot tools such as blow dryers, flatirons or curlers dries out the hair and can create split ends. That's why it is so important to use hydrating products during the Winter months. Continue reading →