Spring Hairstyles | Beauty Route

  1. Spring : New Season, New Me

    Spring : New Season, New Me

    3 girls at the hair salon reading magazines gif As the popular quote says, "Leaves out, Highlights out!" (JK, this quote is fresh out of my imagination). Even though this quote does not get the recognition it deserves, it shows a very common phenomenon. Highlights and coloration tend to be more in demand in Spring. Continue reading →
  2. Spring and Frizz are no match made in heaven

    Spring and Frizz are no match made in heaven

    In case you couldn't tell already by the countless posts we've done thus far, we are very much excited for the new, warmer weather to come. It is of no surprise then that every post is seen as an opportunity to nurture our enthusiasm and towering expectations. This particular blog post is no different; it  is thus a reflection of our much anticipated change in season. (Okay, we get it. So the title may be just a liiiiittle corny. We couldn't resist adding a touch of romantic flair to it; after all, it is officially spring! ) As much as we like spring, we also acknowledge the importance of having healthy, anti-static hair. With the upcoming change in temperature and air humidity, we can only expect to see a commonly occurring hair problem make a comeback: hair frizz!  So don't miss out on these 5 hair products: after all, spring and frizz are no match made in heaven! Continue reading →

8 Article(s)